Updated May 7

Likely voters in OR-3, particularly non-college voters, progressives, women (especially young women, college women) need to read in their mailboxes (prior to ballots being mailed on May 1) and see on Portland broadcast that:

Susheela Jayapal is the most progressive in this race, the champion we need to push for bold, progressive solutions like securing abortion rights, passing Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, to address the problems facing our nation.

  • Susheela knows how important protecting a woman's right to choose is because when she needed to, she was able to make the choice to have an abortion. She served on the board of our local Planned Parenthood when it led the nation in offering medication assisted abortion. In Congress, Susheela will protect abortion rights and stand up to Republicans' extremist attempts to enact a national abortion ban.

  • As a County Commissioner, Susheela fought for equitable access to healthcare for everyone. In Congress, she will work for Medicare for All to ensure that every American has access to high-quality health care no matter their ability to pay and end the influence of corporate, for-profit insurance companies in our health care system.

Likely voters in OR-3 need to read that Susheela is endorsed by environmental organizations, labor unions, and a diverse coalition of community leaders from OR-03.

"“Susheela Jayapal…is both progressive and politically pragmatic, and…will be a voice for forward movement-not murky centrist stagnation…As a commissioner, Jayapal was an advocate for racial justice, housing and eviction prevention, environmental issues, and more.”

“Jayapal…has a history of ‘walking the walk’”

We are Endorsed by the following

State & National Organizations

Elected Officials & Community Leaders

  • Bernie Sanders
    U.S. Senator, VT

  • Christina Stephenson
    Oregon Labor Commissioner

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  • Tawna Sanchez
    State Representative

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  • Christina Stephenson
    Oregon Labor Commissioner

